


Demande #5803

Mis à jour par Loïc Dachary il y a plus de 2 ans

Version en Français: Evolution proposant des instances Gitea dédiées et louées au mois, dans la lignée de ce que fait ou C'est dans la continuité d'une idée élaborée début février dans le contexte du projet Gitea Il s'agirait de: 

 * Permettre des dépôts privés contenant des données auquelles Chapril n'accède pas, comme pour "Nextcloud": ou "Firefox send": pas 
 * Activer la fonctionalité de publication de sites webs statiques actuellement impossible afin de ne pas engager    la responsabilité éditoriale de l'April 
 * Activer l'intégration continue via woodpecker 
 * Ajouter un service de partage de snippets de code équivalent à sans engager la responsabilité éditoriale de l'April 
 * Dégager la responsabilité de l'April: l'instance dédiée est sous le contrôle éditorial de la personne qui paye, la responsabilité d'April n'est pas engagée. (i) une VM est provisionnée chez OVH sur un compte au nom du payeur, (ii) Chapril fait l'infogérance technique de l'instance (installation + upgrades + security), (iii) une éventuelle plainte adressée à l'hébergeur OVH sera envoyée au client d'OVH qui est le payeur et non l'April.   
 * Contribuer à la durabilité du financement de Financer durablement Chapril 

 Le travail de réalisation et de maintenance repose sur Aravinth and Loïc, voir et les liens associés pour plus d'information 

 English version: Proposal for an evolution that consists of providing dedicated Gitea instances, rented by the month, in line with what or do. It is the continuation of an idea developed early February in the context of the Gitea project It would be about: 

 * Allowing private repositories containing data that will never be accessed by Chapril, as for "Nextcloud": or "Firefox send": Chapril 
 * Activating the static web site server that is currently impossible because its content would be under the legal responsibility of April 
 * Activating the CI via woodpecker 
 * Adding a snippet sharing service similar to for which April would not be responsible, whatever it publishes 
 * Relieve April from legal responsibility: the content of the dedicated instance is under the responsibility of the person who pays for it. (i) a VM is provisioned at OVH under an account that is in the name of the person who pays for it, (ii) Chapril does the technical management of the instance (installation + upgrades + security), (iii) should a complaint be sent to OVH, it will be forwarded directly to the person who pays and not April. 
 * Contribute to the long Long term financial sustainability of Chapril 

 The work to make this happen as well as the maintenance done by Aravinth and Loïc, see and the associated links for more information 

 Q: What would be the impact for the current users? 
 A: The goal is that it has no impact on users that do not need this service, i.e. users that do not use a lot of resources or do not need privacy for the projects that are not public. 

 Q: What would be the impact for the current Chapril admins? 
 A: The goal is that it would have no impact at all. 

 Q: How different would be the ToS compared to the current forge? 
 A: They would allow unlimited usage of the resources (bandwidth + disk + CPU), private repositories that will never be looked at by the admin staff, just as "Nextcloud": or "Firefox send":, Continuous Integration, static pages, Gist. 

 Q: Where would these additional services reside? 
 A: On the same virtual machine as the Gitea instance. 

 Q: Why can't this project be run by a new organization? 
 A: Because reaching out to users for such a service from scratch requires skills that neither I or realaravinth have. We do have the technical skills and the time to create and maintain such a service in a context where there already are users and an already existing organization. 

 Q: In which context (volunteering, freelancing, other ?) would this work be done ? 
 A: The work would be done on a volunteer basis by both realaravinth and myself. We would count the number of hours spent on the project at our respective hourly rate (12€/h for realaravinth and 35h/h for myself). Instead of accounting for them as "bénévolat valorisé" (which means essentially that we will never be paid for this time) we would keep a separate ledger. When and if the service is profitable, we would invoice April and be paid with these profits. In other words we would be paid only if there is money for us to be paid, otherwise we won't. 

 Q: How would April's responsibility be relieved? 
 A: The virtual machine that is managed by April (via Chapril) is in the name of the person who pays for the service. April has the same lack of editorial responsibility than OVH towards the clients that rent a virtual machine. 
