



Demande #6006


Mettre à jour NextCloud (de 23.0.5 vers 23.0.10)

Ajouté par Pierre-Louis Bonicoli il y a presque 2 ans. Mis à jour il y a plus d'un an.

% réalisé:


Temps estimé:


La version 23.0.10 contient des correctifs de sécurité.

Mise à jour réalisée en suivant la procédure:

=(^-^)=root@valise:/var/www/ sudo -u www-data php updater/updater.phar
Nextcloud Updater - version: v20.0.0beta4-11-g68fa0d4

Current version is 23.0.5.

Update to Nextcloud 23.0.10 available. (channel: "stable")
Following file will be downloaded automatically:
Open changelog ↗

Steps that will be executed:
[ ] Check for expected files
[ ] Check for write permissions
[ ] Create backup
[ ] Downloading
[ ] Verify integrity
[ ] Extracting
[ ] Enable maintenance mode
[ ] Replace entry points
[ ] Delete old files
[ ] Move new files in place
[ ] Done

Start update? [y/N] y

Info: Pressing Ctrl-C will finish the currently running step and then stops the updater.

[✔] Check for expected files
[✔] Check for write permissions
[✔] Create backup
[✔] Downloading
[✔] Verify integrity
[✔] Extracting
[✔] Enable maintenance mode
[✔] Replace entry points
[✔] Delete old files
[✔] Move new files in place
[✔] Done

Update of code successful.

Should the "occ upgrade" command be executed? [Y/n]
Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
Setting log level to debug
Repair step: Repair MySQL collation
Repair info: Not a mysql database -> nothing to do
Repair step: Repair SQLite autoincrement
Repair step: Copy data from accounts table when migrating from ownCloud
Repair step: Drop account terms table when migrating from ownCloud
Updating database schema
Updated database
Updating <circles> ...
Repair step: Upgrading Circles App
Updated <circles> to 23.1.2
Updating <notifications> ...
Updated <notifications> to 2.11.2
Update app calendar from App Store
Repair step: Update name of the stored view
Update app contacts from App Store
Update app passwords from App Store
Repair step: Check System Requirements
Repair step: Repair Passwords Database Objects
Update app qownnotesapi from App Store
Update app tasks from App Store
Update app twofactor_totp from App Store
Repair step: Repair MySQL collation
Repair info: Not a mysql database -> nothing to do
Repair step: Repair mime types
Repair step: Clean tags and favorites
Repair info: 0 tags of deleted users have been removed.
Repair info: 0 tags for delete files have been removed.
Repair info: 0 tag entries for deleted tags have been removed.
Repair info: 3 tags with no entries have been removed.
Repair step: Repair invalid shares
Repair step: Move .step file of updater to backup location  
Repair info: .step file exists
Repair info: .step-previous-update removed
Repair info: .step file moved to .step-previous-update
Repair step: Add move avatar background job
Repair info: Repair step already executed
Repair step: Add preview cleanup background jobs
Repair step: Migrate oauth2_clients table to nextcloud schema
Repair info: Update the oauth2_access_tokens table schema.  
Repair info: Update the oauth2_clients table schema.
Repair step: Fix potential broken mount points
Repair info: No mounts updated
Repair step: Repair language codes
Repair step: Install new core bundle components
Repair step: Add log rotate job
Repair step: Clear frontend caches
Repair info: Image cache cleared
Repair info: SCSS cache cleared
Repair info: JS cache cleared
Repair step: Clear every generated avatar on major updates  
Repair step: Add preview background cleanup job
Repair step: Queue a one-time job to cleanup old backups of the updater
Repair step: Cleanup invalid photocache files for carddav   
Repair step: Add background job to cleanup login flow v2 tokens
Repair step: Remove potentially over exposing share links   
Repair info: No need to remove link shares.
Repair step: Clear access cache of projects
Repair step: Reset generated avatar flag
Repair step: Keep legacy encryption enabled
Repair step: Check encryption key format
Repair step: Remove old dashboard app config data
Repair step: Add job to cleanup the bruteforce entries
Repair step: Queue a one-time job to check for user uploaded certificates
Repair step: Repair DAV shares
Repair step: Add background job to set the lookup server share state for users
Starting code integrity check...
Finished code integrity check
Update successful
Maintenance mode is kept active
Resetting log level

Keep maintenance mode active? [y/N]
Maintenance mode disabled

Maintenance mode is disabled

sudo -u www-data php occ maintenance:theme:update
systemctl restart php7.4-fpm apache2

La page affiche bien la nouvelle version.

Demandes liées 1 (0 ouverte1 fermée)

Copié depuis Admins - Demande #6005: Mettre à jour NextCloud (de 24.0.3 vers 24.0.6)FerméPierre-Louis Bonicoli28/10/2022


Mis à jour par Pierre-Louis Bonicoli il y a presque 2 ans

  • Copié depuis Demande #6005: Mettre à jour NextCloud (de 24.0.3 vers 24.0.6) ajouté

Mis à jour par Quentin Gibeaux il y a presque 2 ans

  • Statut changé de Résolu à Fermé

Mis à jour par Pierre-Louis Bonicoli il y a plus d'un an

  • Version cible changé de Backlog à Sprint 2022 décembre

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