



Anomalie #1394


Traduire en anglais la description d'une revue hebdomadaire April

Ajouté par Frédéric Couchet il y a environ 11 ans. Mis à jour il y a environ 11 ans.

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Traduire en anglais la description d'une revue hebdomadaire April qui est disponible sur

Mis à jour par Frédéric Couchet il y a environ 11 ans

La traduction faite par Jeanne Rasata :
h1. Presentation of April's weekly review
One of the very useful organizational principles in GTD: the weekly review. The Wikipedia page ( devoted to GTD says: "Review: reexamine very frequently---and go over with a fine-toothed comb at least once a week in the "weekly review" all new or ongoing tasks and projects.
This review allows for taking stock of current and future tasks, and for determining possible bottlenecks and future actions.
It would be useful to set up a "weekly review" meeting on IRC for a specific time and day of the week. The idea being to have one fixed meeting time and place every week for a meeting of limited duration, each and everyone being free to participate or not. All participants review their tasks and April actions. This could stimulate people, generate ideas or desires to contribute, help overcome any obstacles...
There are four stages in the review:
- past actions of the current week;
- actions of the coming week;
- bottlenecks (both potential ones and ones unclogged during the week);
- possibly the weekly review's Strengths and Items to Watch (which should be treated in a constructive and positive manner)
The review lasts a maximum of 45 minutes.
More details:
h1. Review's facilitator's manual
h2. Opening remarks
A Python script that allows to generate a synthesis parses the IRC logs and recognizes control directives:
  • A line starting with % is considered a comment and is not included in the synthesis.
  • Individual review directive: a line starting with a # announces a change of state of the review. The messages that follow are treated/sorted individually for each person.
  • Global review directive: a line starting with ## announces a change of state in the review. The messages that follow are treated/sorted collectively. The states are created only when there is an associated content to be stocked.
    The directives are interpreted only for the meeting chair, defined in the script. They are sorted alphanumerically; so it's best to number them. The directives are interpreted only for the meeting chair, defined in the script. They are sorted alphanumerically; so it's best to number them.
    The code integrates a pseudo dictionary -> nom.
    h2. Planning of the review
  • Announce the review via e-mail on the animation@ and resp-tous@ lists a few days in advance.
    Example of the weekly review's e-mail announcement
    From: XXX
    Subject: Meeting this Friday, November 12th, at 12:00 for April
                   weekly review
    To: YYY
    I propose that we hold the the April weekly review meeting on Friday, November 12th, from 12:00 to 12:30, at the latest.
    Rendez-vous in the #april chat room. A Web interface allows access to the chat room:
    Do not hesiate to transmit the information to your task forces.
    As a reminder, the bullet-point sequence during a weekly review is:
    1/ Past or current actions
    2/ Actions to come
    3/ Bottlenecks, either existing or unclogged during the week
    4/ The week's strengths
    5/ The week's items to be watched
    6/ The meeting's strengths
    7/ Items of the meeting to be watched
    If you are not able to be present at the meeting, do not hesitate to e-mail, either before or after the meeting, with your contribution, attempting to respect as much as possible the format of the synthesis (see
  • Issue a reminder on IRC, at around 10:00, that the weekly review will be held at noon: "Reminder: weekly April review at 12:00 in this chat room"
  • Announce on IRC a 1/2 hour ahead of the weekly review that it is going to start, by letting the individuals a priori concerned via their nicknames: "madix benj janchou Bookynette aurelia theo_taf echarp coin_pan mmu_man gibus_at_office marianne dachary Luk--- cpm__ Cl-o liot... and others, we'll be starting the weekly review in 1/2 hour."
  • Announce on IRC with 10 second's notice that the weekly review is going to start, by letting the individuals a priori concerned via their nicknames: "madix benj janchou Bookynette aurelia theo_taf echarp coin_pan mmu_man gibus_at_office marianne dachary Luk--- cpm__ Cl-o liot... and others, we'll be starting the weekly review in a few seconds."
  • Then, start the weekly review
    Example of use of the directive in the context of the weekly review
    OK, start of the weekly review
    % reminder: every line starting with % will be considered a comment and will not be taken into account in the synthesis
    # 1/ Passed or current actions
    % when you're done, you indicate it with % finished
    [ ... ]
    % moving on: actions to come
    # 2/ Actions to com
    % when you're done, you indicate it with % finished
    [ ... ]
    %moving on: bottlenecks / delays
    ## 3/ Bottlenecks / delays remedied this week
    %if you have nothing ot say, you can write %ras
    [ ... ]
    %moving on: Existing bottlenecks/delays to be treated
    ## 4/ Existing bottlenecks/delays to be treated
    % if you have nothing ot say, you can write %ras
    [ ... ]
    % moving on: The week's strengths and items to watch
    ## 5/ The week's strengths
    % if you have nothing to say, you can write %ras
    [ ... ] 
    % moving on: the week's items to watch
    ## 6/ The week's items to watch
    % if you have nothing to say, you can write %ras
    [ ... ]
    % moving on: The meeting's strengths and items to watch
    ## 7/ The meeting's strengths
    % if you have nothing to say, you can write %ras
    % 1 mn max
    [ ... ]
    % moving on: the meeting's items to watch
    ## 8/ The meeting's items to watch
    % if you have nothing to say, you can write %ras
    % 1 mn max
    [ ... ]
    % End of the weekly review; thank you to all.
    % Remember to record your volunteering:

    h2. Constitution and publication of the review's synthesis
    Hebdot is the IRC bot that manages the logs and the synthesis of the weekly review (the commands !debut and !fin are used to start and end the weekly review). At the end, hebdobot indicates the link to the synthesis to be added to
    Old procedure:
    1. Upload this script
    2. List your IRC log in the format "<pseudo> message" as here (timestamping not required):
    3. Edit the log to comment/delete/add elements as needed to improve the synthesis.
    4. Run cat log.irc | python > AAAAMMJJ-log-irc-revue-hebdomadaire.txt by adjusting the date.
    5. Edit AAAAMMJJ-log-irc-revue-hebdomadaire.txt in order to check/delete the comments and reread the result.
    6. Add the file to the place reserved for them, by bringing the present task up to date, by indicating "Summary of the weekly review of DD month YYYY" and by attaching the file.
    7. Send the lists animation@ and resp-tous@ a link to the summary.

Mis à jour par Frédéric Couchet il y a environ 11 ans

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