


Demande #1327 » patch-unfuck-grisbi.patch

Benjamin Drieu, 12/07/2013 16:57

Voir les différences:

grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/affichage.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* affichage.c */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2003-2004 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2003-2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* on recharge l'ancien logo */
if ( !chemin_logo ||
!strlen ( g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( chemin_logo )) ) )
!strlen ( my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( chemin_logo )) ) )
chemin_logo = NULL;
if ( logo_accueil && GTK_IS_WIDGET ( logo_accueil ))
chemin_logo = g_strdup ( (gchar *) selected_filename );
if ( !chemin_logo ||
!strlen ( g_strstrip ( chemin_logo )) )
!strlen ( my_strstrip ( chemin_logo )) )
chemin_logo = NULL;
if ( logo_accueil && GTK_IS_WIDGET ( logo_accueil ))
if ( !etat.fichier_animation_attente
!strlen ( g_strstrip (etat.fichier_animation_attente )) )
!strlen ( my_strstrip (etat.fichier_animation_attente )) )
etat.fichier_animation_attente = NULL;
/* Update preview */
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/calendar.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER ( frame ), pVBox );
gtk_widget_show ( pVBox );
if ( !( strlen ( g_strstrip ( ( gchar * ) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entry )))) &&
if ( !( strlen ( my_strstrip ( ( gchar * ) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entry )))) &&
sscanf ( ( gchar * ) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entry )),
if ( !format_date ( entree ) )
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( g_strstrip ( ( gchar * ) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))),
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( my_strstrip ( ( gchar * ) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))),
3 );
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/categories_onglet.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
"adr_struct_categ" );
if ( strcmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_categ ))),
if ( strcmp ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_categ ))),
categ -> nom_categ ))
free ( categ -> nom_categ );
categ -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_categ ))) );
categ -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_categ ))) );
node = GTK_CTREE_NODE ( ( GTK_CLIST ( arbre_categ ) -> selection ) -> data );
free ( sous_categ -> nom_sous_categ );
sous_categ -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_categ ))) );
sous_categ -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_categ ))) );
node = GTK_CTREE_NODE ( ( GTK_CLIST ( arbre_categ ) -> selection ) -> data );
sizeof ( struct struct_categ ));
nouvelle_categorie -> no_categ = ++no_derniere_categorie;
nouvelle_categorie -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( categorie ));
nouvelle_categorie -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( categorie ));
nouvelle_categorie -> no_derniere_sous_categ = 0;
nouvelle_categorie -> liste_sous_categ = NULL;
nouvelle_sous_categorie = malloc ( sizeof ( struct struct_sous_categ ));
nouvelle_sous_categorie -> no_sous_categ = ++( categorie->no_derniere_sous_categ );
nouvelle_sous_categorie -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( sous_categorie ));
nouvelle_sous_categorie -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( sous_categorie ));
categorie -> liste_sous_categ = g_slist_append ( categorie -> liste_sous_categ,
nouvelle_sous_categorie );
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/comptes_gestion.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* gestion_comptes.c */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2004-2005 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2004-2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2003-2004 Alain Portal ( */
/* */
/* */
if ( i == compte_courant_onglet )
p_tab_nom_de_compte_variable = p_tab_nom_de_compte + i;
if ( !strcmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar*) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_nom_compte ))), NOM_DU_COMPTE ))
if ( !strcmp ( my_strstrip ( (gchar*) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_nom_compte ))), NOM_DU_COMPTE ))
dialogue( g_strdup_printf ( _("Account \"%s\" already exists!"), gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_nom_compte ))));
/* récupération du titulaire */
TITULAIRE = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_titulaire_compte ))));
TITULAIRE = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_titulaire_compte ))));
if ( !strlen ( TITULAIRE ))
/* enregistrement du no de guichet */
NO_GUICHET = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_guichet ))));
NO_GUICHET = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_guichet ))));
if ( !strlen ( NO_GUICHET ))
/* enregistrement du no de compte */
NO_COMPTE_BANQUE = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_no_compte ))));
NO_COMPTE_BANQUE = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_no_compte ))));
if ( !strlen ( NO_COMPTE_BANQUE ))
/* enregistrement de la clé du compte */
CLE_COMPTE = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_cle_compte ))));
CLE_COMPTE = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_cle_compte ))));
if ( !strlen ( CLE_COMPTE ))
/* vérification du solde initial */
if ( SOLDE_INIT != my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_init ))),
if ( SOLDE_INIT != my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_init ))),
NULL ) )
gint value;
SOLDE_INIT = my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_init ))),
SOLDE_INIT = my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_init ))),
value = gtk_clist_get_vadjustment ( GTK_CLIST ( CLIST_OPERATIONS )) -> value;
/* vérification du solde mini autorisé */
if ( SOLDE_MINI != my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_autorise ))),
if ( SOLDE_MINI != my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_autorise ))),
NULL ) )
SOLDE_MINI = my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_autorise ))),
SOLDE_MINI = my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_autorise ))),
/* vérification du solde mini voulu */
if ( SOLDE_MINI_VOULU != my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_voulu ))),
if ( SOLDE_MINI_VOULU != my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_voulu ))),
NULL ) )
SOLDE_MINI_VOULU = my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_voulu ))),
SOLDE_MINI_VOULU = my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_solde_mini_voulu ))),
strcmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_nom_compte ))),
strcmp ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_nom_compte ))),
NOM_DU_COMPTE = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_nom_compte ))));
NOM_DU_COMPTE = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( detail_nom_compte ))));
reaffiche_liste_comptes ();
reaffiche_liste_comptes_onglet ();
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/devises.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* s'occupe de tout ce qui concerne les devises */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2003 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
case 1 :
nom_devise = g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom ))));
code_devise = g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_code ))));
code_iso4217_devise = g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_iso_code ))));
nom_devise = my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom ))));
code_devise = my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_code ))));
code_iso4217_devise = my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_iso_code ))));
if ( strlen ( nom_devise ) &&
(strlen ( code_devise ) ||
devise -> une_devise_1_egale_x_devise_2 = 0;
if ( devise -> passage_euro )
devise -> change = my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_conversion_euro ))),
devise -> change = my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_conversion_euro ))),
devise -> change = 0;
gchar *nom_devise;
nom_devise = g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )));
nom_devise = my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )));
if ( nom_devise || !strlen (nom_devise) )
devise = gtk_clist_get_row_data ( GTK_CLIST ( clist_devises_parametres ),
ligne_selection_devise );
devise -> nom_devise = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_devise_parametres ))));
devise -> nom_devise = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_devise_parametres ))));
gtk_clist_set_text ( GTK_CLIST ( clist_devises_parametres ),
devise = gtk_clist_get_row_data ( GTK_CLIST ( clist_devises_parametres ),
ligne_selection_devise );
devise -> code_devise = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_code_devise_parametres ))));
devise -> code_devise = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_code_devise_parametres ))));
gtk_clist_set_text ( GTK_CLIST ( clist_devises_parametres ),
devise = gtk_clist_get_row_data ( GTK_CLIST ( clist_devises_parametres ),
ligne_selection_devise );
devise -> code_iso4217_devise = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_iso_code_devise_parametres ))));
devise -> code_iso4217_devise = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_iso_code_devise_parametres ))));
gtk_clist_set_text ( GTK_CLIST ( clist_devises_parametres ),
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/dialog.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* dialog.c */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2003-2004 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2003-2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2005 Alain Portal ( */
/* */
/* */
return ( NULL );
retour = g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))));
retour = my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))));
gtk_widget_destroy ( GTK_WIDGET ( dialog ));
return ( retour );
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/echeancier_formulaire.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* on sort de la date, soit c'est vide, soit on la vérifie, la complète si nécessaire et met à jour l'exercice */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
modifie_date ( entree );
/* on sort du tiers : soit vide soit complète le reste de l'opé */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
completion_operation_par_tiers_echeancier ();
texte = _("Third party");
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
/* on commence par virer ce qu'il y avait dans les crédits */
s'il n'y a aucun tiers ( <=> nouveau tiers ) */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
/* on commence par virer ce qu'il y avait dans les débits */
/* sort des catégories */
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Categories : Sub-categories");
if ( !strcmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))),
if ( !strcmp ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))),
_("Breakdown of transaction") ))
if ( !etat.formulaire_echeance_dans_fenetre )
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Transfer reference");
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Budgetary line");
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Voucher");
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Notes");
/* on sort de la date limite, soit c'est vide, soit on la vérifie,
la complète si nécessaire */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
modifie_date ( entree );
texte = _("Limit date");
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_FINAL_DATE] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR]
strcmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_FINAL_DATE] ))),
strcmp ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_FINAL_DATE] ))),
_("None") ))
if ( !modifie_date ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_FINAL_DATE] ))
/* si c'est le cas, si la liste des ventilation existe (soit adr de liste, soit -1), on va l'enregistrer plus tard */
/* sinon on va ventiler tout de suite */
if ( !strcmp ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
if ( !strcmp ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
_("Breakdown of transaction") )
!gtk_object_get_data ( GTK_OBJECT ( formulaire_echeancier ),
enregistre_ope_au_retour_echeances = 1;
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[TRANSACTION_FORM_DEBIT] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
ventiler_operation_echeances ( -my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
ventiler_operation_echeances ( -my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
NULL ));
ventiler_operation_echeances ( my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
ventiler_operation_echeances ( my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
NULL ));
/* vérification que ce n'est pas un virement sur lui-même */
if ( !g_strcasecmp ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
if ( !g_strcasecmp ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
g_strconcat ( COLON(_("Transfer")),
NULL )))
/* si c'est une ventilation, vérifie qu'aucune ventilation n'est un virement sur lui-même */
/* peut arriver si modifie le compte d'une échéance */
if ( !strcmp ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
if ( !strcmp ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
_("Breakdown of transaction") ))
GSList *liste_ventil;
/* si c'est un virement, on vérifie que le compte existe */
pointeur_char = g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] )));
pointeur_char = my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] )));
if ( !g_strncasecmp ( pointeur_char, _("Transfer"), 8 ))
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
p_tab_nom_de_compte_variable = p_tab_nom_de_compte;
/* récupère la date */
pointeur_char = g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY (widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DATE] )));
pointeur_char = my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY (widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DATE] )));
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( pointeur_char,
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY] ) -> entry ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
pointeur_char = g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY] )));
pointeur_char = my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY] )));
if ( ( pointeur_liste = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_tiers,
/* récupération du montant */
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
echeance -> montant = -my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
echeance -> montant = -my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
echeance -> montant = my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
echeance -> montant = my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
/* récupération de la devise */
struct struct_categ *categ;
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
if ( strlen ( tableau_char[0] ) )
if ( GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CHEQUE] )
gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CHEQUE] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
echeance -> contenu_type = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CHEQUE] ))));
echeance -> contenu_type = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CHEQUE] ))));
/* récupération du no d'exercice */
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
pointeur_liste = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_imputation,
/* récupération des notes */
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_NOTES] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
echeance -> notes = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_NOTES] ))));
echeance -> notes = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_NOTES] ))));
/* récupération de la fréquence */
/* traitement de la date limite */
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_FINAL_DATE] ))),
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_FINAL_DATE] ))),
3 );
/* récupère la date */
pointeur_char = g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY (widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DATE] )));
pointeur_char = my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY (widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DATE] )));
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( pointeur_char,
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY] ) -> entry ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
pointeur_char = g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY] )));
pointeur_char = my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY] )));
if ( ( pointeur_liste = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_tiers,
/* récupération du montant */
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
operation -> montant = -my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
operation -> montant = -my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
operation -> montant = my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
operation -> montant = my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
/* récupération de la devise */
struct struct_categ *categ = NULL;
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
if ( strlen ( tableau_char[0] ) )
type = gtk_object_get_data ( GTK_OBJECT ( GTK_OPTION_MENU ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_TYPE] ) -> menu_item ),
"adr_type" );
operation -> contenu_type = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CHEQUE] ))));
operation -> contenu_type = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CHEQUE] ))));
if ( type -> numerotation_auto )
type -> no_en_cours = ( my_atoi ( operation -> contenu_type ));
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
pointeur_liste = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_imputation,
/* récupération des notes */
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_NOTES] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
operation -> notes = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_NOTES] ))));
operation -> notes = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_NOTES] ))));
/* on a fini de remplir l'opé, on peut l'ajouter à la liste */
liste_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_tiers,
g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY]))),
my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_PARTY]))),
( GCompareFunc ) recherche_tiers_par_nom );
/* si nouveau tiers, on s'en va simplement */
enregistre_ope_au_retour_echeances = 0;
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
ventiler_operation_echeances ( -my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
ventiler_operation_echeances ( -my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
NULL ));
ventiler_operation_echeances ( my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
ventiler_operation_echeances ( my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_echeancier[SCHEDULER_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
NULL ));
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/echeancier_liste.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2004-2005 Alain Portal ( */
/* 2006 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
case 5:
affichage_echeances_perso_nb_libre = my_atoi ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_personnalisation_affichage_echeances ))));
affichage_echeances_perso_nb_libre = my_atoi ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_personnalisation_affichage_echeances ))));
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/echeancier_ventilation.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* on sort des catégories */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
/* si c'est un virement, on met le menu des types de l'autre compte */
/* si ce menu n'est pas déjà affiché */
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
if ( strlen ( tableau_char[0] ) )
/* sort des notes */
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Notes");
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))))
gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_DEBIT] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
/* sort du crédit */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ))))
gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_CREDIT] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR])
/* sort de l'ib */
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Budgetary line");
/* sort de la pièce comptable */
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Voucher");
/* on split déjà les catég, sans libérer la variable, pour la récupérer ensuite pour les categ */
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
2 );
if ( tableau_char[0] )
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
if ( !strcmp ( tableau_char[0],
struct struct_categ *categ;
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
tableau_char = g_strsplit ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
if ( strlen ( tableau_char[0] ) )
/* récupération des notes */
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_NOTES] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
operation -> notes = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_NOTES] ))));
operation -> notes = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_NOTES] ))));
operation -> notes = NULL;
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_DEBIT] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
/* c'est un débit */
operation -> montant = -my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
operation -> montant = -my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_DEBIT] ))),
operation -> montant = my_strtod ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
operation -> montant = my_strtod ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_CREDIT] ))),
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
pointeur_liste = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_imputation,
/* récupération du no de pièce comptable */
if ( gtk_widget_get_style ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_VOUCHER] ) == style_entree_formulaire[ENCLAIR] )
operation -> no_piece_comptable = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_VOUCHER] ))));
operation -> no_piece_comptable = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_ventilation_echeances[SCHEDULER_BREAKDOWN_FORM_VOUCHER] ))));
operation -> no_piece_comptable = NULL;
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/equilibrage.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* equilibrage.c */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2003 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2004 Alain Portal ( */
/* */
/* */
/* si l'entrée contenant la date est vide, alors on met la date du jour */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar*) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))) == 0 )
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar*) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))) == 0 )
gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ), gsb_today() );
format_date ( entree );
/* récupération du no de rapprochement, */
/* s'il n'existe pas,on le crée */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_no_rapprochement )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_no_rapprochement )))))
struct struct_no_rapprochement *rapprochement;
GSList *liste_tmp;
gchar *rap_txt;
rap_txt = g_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_no_rapprochement )));
rap_txt = my_strstrip ( (char *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_no_rapprochement )));
liste_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_no_rapprochements,
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/etat_io.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
struct struct_devise *devise;
liste_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_devises,
g_strstrip ( nom ),
my_strstrip ( nom ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_devise_par_nom );
if ( liste_tmp )
liste_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_exercices,
g_strstrip ( nom ),
my_strstrip ( nom ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_exercice_par_nom );
if ( liste_tmp )
liste_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_categories,
g_strstrip ( nom ),
my_strstrip ( nom ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_categorie_par_nom );
if ( liste_tmp )
liste_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_imputation,
g_strstrip ( nom ),
my_strstrip ( nom ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_imputation_par_nom );
if ( liste_tmp )
liste_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_tiers,
g_strstrip ( nom ),
my_strstrip ( nom ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_tiers_par_nom );
if ( liste_tmp )
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/etats_config.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* on récupère maintenant toutes les données */
/* récupération du nom du rapport */
pointeur_char = g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_etat )));
pointeur_char = my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_etat )));
if ( strlen ( pointeur_char )
etat_courant -> no_plage_date = GPOINTER_TO_INT ( GTK_CLIST ( liste_plages_dates_etat ) -> selection -> data );
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_init_etat ))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_init_etat ))))
format_date ( entree_date_init_etat ))
gint jour, mois, annee;
sscanf ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_init_etat ))),
sscanf ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_init_etat ))),
annee );
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_finale_etat ))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_finale_etat ))))
format_date ( entree_date_finale_etat ))
gint jour, mois, annee;
sscanf ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_finale_etat ))),
sscanf ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_date_finale_etat ))),
comp_textes -> utilise_txt = gtk_toggle_button_get_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON ( comp_textes -> bouton_utilise_txt ));
comp_textes -> operateur = GPOINTER_TO_INT ( gtk_object_get_data ( GTK_OBJECT ( GTK_OPTION_MENU ( comp_textes -> bouton_operateur ) -> menu_item ),
"no_operateur" ));
comp_textes -> texte = g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( comp_textes -> entree_txt ))));
comp_textes -> texte = my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( comp_textes -> entree_txt ))));
if ( !strlen ( comp_textes -> texte ))
comp_textes -> texte = NULL;
if ( g_slist_length ( etat_courant -> liste_struct_comparaison_montants ) == 1
!strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( comp_montants -> entree_montant_1 ))))
!strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( comp_montants -> entree_montant_1 ))))
!strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( comp_montants -> entree_montant_2 ))))
!strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( comp_montants -> entree_montant_2 ))))
GTK_WIDGET_SENSITIVE ( comp_montants -> entree_montant_1 )
/* si l'entrée contenant la date est vide, alors on met la date du jour */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar*) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))) == 0 )
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar*) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))) == 0 )
gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree ), gsb_today() );
format_date ( entree );
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/exercice.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* exercice.c */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2003 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
exercice = gtk_clist_get_row_data ( GTK_CLIST ( liste ),
ligne_selection_exercice );
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( nom_exercice )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( nom_exercice )))))
dialogue ( _("The financial year must have a name.") );
exercice -> nom_exercice = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( nom_exercice ))));
exercice -> nom_exercice = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( nom_exercice ))));
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( debut_exercice )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( debut_exercice )))))
exercice -> date_debut = NULL;
gint jour, mois, an;
sscanf ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( debut_exercice ))),
sscanf ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( debut_exercice ))),
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( fin_exercice )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( fin_exercice )))))
exercice -> date_fin = NULL;
gint jour, mois, an;
sscanf ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( fin_exercice ))),
sscanf ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( fin_exercice ))),
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/fichiers_io.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* Contient toutes les procédures relatives à l'accès au disque */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2003-2006 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2003-2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = latin2utf8(xmlGetProp ( node_detail,
"Nom" ));
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = g_strstrip ( rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement);
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = my_strstrip ( rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement);
liste_no_rapprochements = g_slist_append ( liste_no_rapprochements,
rapprochement );
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = xmlGetProp ( node_detail,
"Nom" );
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = g_strstrip ( rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement);
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = my_strstrip ( rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement);
liste_no_rapprochements = g_slist_append ( liste_no_rapprochements,
rapprochement );
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = xmlGetProp ( node_detail,
"Nom" );
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = g_strstrip ( rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement);
rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement = my_strstrip ( rapprochement -> nom_rapprochement);
liste_no_rapprochements = g_slist_append ( liste_no_rapprochements,
rapprochement );
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/gtk_combofix.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* ComboFix Widget
* Copyright (C) 2001 Cédric Auger (
* 2003 Benjamin Drieu (
* 2013 Benjamin Drieu (
* 2005 Alain Portal (
gchar *chaine;
GSList *liste_tmp;
chaine = g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( combofix -> entry ) ) );
chaine = my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( combofix -> entry ) ) );
if ( !chaine || !strlen ( chaine ) )
return TRUE;
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/import.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
p_tab_nom_de_compte_variable = p_tab_nom_de_compte + j;
if ( ( !g_strcasecmp ( g_strconcat ( "[", NOM_DU_COMPTE, "]", NULL ),
g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation -> info_banque_guichet )))) ||
my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation -> info_banque_guichet )))) ||
( !g_strcasecmp ( NOM_DU_COMPTE ,
g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation -> info_banque_guichet )))))
my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation -> info_banque_guichet )))))
compte_trouve = j;
operation_2 -> info_banque_guichet
(!g_strcasecmp ( g_strconcat ("[", nom_compte_courant, "]", NULL),
g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation_2 -> info_banque_guichet ))) ||
my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation_2 -> info_banque_guichet ))) ||
!g_strcasecmp ( nom_compte_courant,
g_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation_2 -> info_banque_guichet ))))
my_strstrip ( g_strdup ( operation_2 -> info_banque_guichet ))))
( !same_currency || fabs ( operation -> montant ) == fabs ( operation_2 -> montant ))
/* met le nom du compte */
if ( compte_import -> nom_de_compte )
compte -> nom_de_compte = g_strstrip ( compte_import -> nom_de_compte );
compte -> nom_de_compte = my_strstrip ( compte_import -> nom_de_compte );
compte -> nom_de_compte = g_strdup ( _("Imported account"));
if ( operation_import -> tiers
strlen ( g_strstrip ( operation_import -> tiers )))
strlen ( my_strstrip ( operation_import -> tiers )))
pointeur_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_tiers,
g_strstrip ( operation_import -> tiers ),
my_strstrip ( operation_import -> tiers ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_tiers_par_nom );
/* si le tiers n'existait pas, on le crée */
if ( operation_import -> categ
strlen ( g_strstrip (operation_import -> categ)) )
strlen ( my_strstrip (operation_import -> categ)) )
if ( operation_import -> categ[0] == '[' )
/* récupération ou création de la catégorie */
if ( !g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_categories,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_categorie_par_nom ))
categ = calloc ( 1,
sizeof ( struct struct_categ ));
categ -> no_categ = ++no_derniere_categorie;
categ -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ) );
categ -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ) );
if ( operation_import -> montant < 0 )
categ -> type_categ = 1;
categ = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_categories,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_categorie_par_nom ) -> data;
if ( tab_str[1] )
if ( !g_slist_find_custom ( categ -> liste_sous_categ,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_sous_categorie_par_nom ))
sous_categ = calloc ( 1,
sizeof ( struct struct_sous_categ ));
sous_categ -> no_sous_categ = ++( categ -> no_derniere_sous_categ );
sous_categ -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ));
sous_categ -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ));
categ -> liste_sous_categ = g_slist_append ( categ -> liste_sous_categ,
sous_categ );
sous_categ = g_slist_find_custom ( categ -> liste_sous_categ,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_sous_categorie_par_nom ) -> data;
operation -> sous_categorie = sous_categ -> no_sous_categ;
if ( operation_import -> tiers )
pointeur_tmp = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_tiers,
g_strstrip ( operation_import -> tiers ),
my_strstrip ( operation_import -> tiers ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_tiers_par_nom );
/* si le tiers n'existait pas, on le crée */
if ( operation_import -> categ
strlen ( g_strstrip (operation_import -> categ)) )
strlen ( my_strstrip (operation_import -> categ)) )
if ( operation_import -> categ[0] == '[' )
/* récupération ou création de la catégorie */
if ( !g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_categories,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_categorie_par_nom ))
categ = calloc ( 1,
sizeof ( struct struct_categ ));
categ -> no_categ = ++no_derniere_categorie;
categ -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ) );
categ -> nom_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ) );
if ( operation_import -> montant < 0 )
categ -> type_categ = 1;
categ = g_slist_find_custom ( liste_struct_categories,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[0] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_categorie_par_nom ) -> data;
if ( tab_str[1] )
if ( !g_slist_find_custom ( categ -> liste_sous_categ,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_sous_categorie_par_nom ))
sous_categ = calloc ( 1,
sizeof ( struct struct_sous_categ ));
sous_categ -> no_sous_categ = ++( categ -> no_derniere_sous_categ );
sous_categ -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ));
sous_categ -> nom_sous_categ = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ));
categ -> liste_sous_categ = g_slist_append ( categ -> liste_sous_categ,
sous_categ );
sous_categ = g_slist_find_custom ( categ -> liste_sous_categ,
g_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
my_strstrip ( tab_str[1] ),
(GCompareFunc) recherche_sous_categorie_par_nom ) -> data;
operation -> sous_categorie = sous_categ -> no_sous_categ;
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/imputation_budgetaire.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* imputation_budgetaire.c */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2004 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2004 Alain Portal ( */
/* */
/* */
"adr_struct_imputation" );
if ( strcmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_imputation ))),
if ( strcmp ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_imputation ))),
imputation -> nom_imputation ))
free ( imputation -> nom_imputation );
imputation -> nom_imputation = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_imputation ))) );
imputation -> nom_imputation = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_imputation ))) );
node = GTK_CTREE_NODE ( ( GTK_CLIST ( arbre_imputation ) -> selection ) -> data );
free ( sous_imputation -> nom_sous_imputation );
sous_imputation -> nom_sous_imputation = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_imputation ))) );
sous_imputation -> nom_sous_imputation = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree_nom_imputation ))) );
node = GTK_CTREE_NODE ( ( GTK_CLIST ( arbre_imputation ) -> selection ) -> data );
nouvelle_imputation = calloc ( 1, sizeof ( struct struct_imputation ));
nouvelle_imputation -> no_imputation = ++no_derniere_imputation;
nouvelle_imputation -> nom_imputation = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( imputation ));
nouvelle_imputation -> nom_imputation = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( imputation ));
liste_struct_imputation = g_slist_append ( liste_struct_imputation,
nouvelle_imputation );
return NULL;
nouvelle_sous_imputation -> nom_sous_imputation = g_strdup ( g_strstrip ( sous_imputation ));
nouvelle_sous_imputation -> nom_sous_imputation = g_strdup ( my_strstrip ( sous_imputation ));
imputation -> liste_sous_imputation = g_slist_append ( imputation -> liste_sous_imputation,
nouvelle_sous_imputation );
grisbi-0.5.9.benj/src/operations_formulaire.c 2013-07-10 16:52:14.000000000 +0200
/* formulaire.c */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Cédric Auger ( */
/* 2003-2004 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2003-2013 Benjamin Drieu ( */
/* 2004 Alain Portal ( */
/* */
/* */
la complète si nécessaire et met à jour l'exercice */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
modifie_date ( entree );
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
completion_operation_par_tiers ();
texte = _("Third party");
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
/* on commence par virer ce qu'il y avait dans les crédits */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
/* on commence par virer ce qu'il y avait dans les débits */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
modifie_date ( entree );
texte = _("Value date");
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( strcmp ( g_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
if ( strcmp ( my_strstrip ( gtk_combofix_get_text ( GTK_COMBOFIX ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_CATEGORY] ))),
_("Breakdown of transaction") ))
gchar **tableau_char;
2 );
tableau_char[0] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
tableau_char[0] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[0] );
if ( tableau_char[1] )
tableau_char[1] = g_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
tableau_char[1] = my_strstrip ( tableau_char[1] );
if ( strlen ( tableau_char[0] ) )
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Cheque/Transfer number");
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Budgetary line");
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Voucher");
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Notes");
if ( !strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
if ( !strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( entree )))))
texte = _("Bank references");
/* si c'est la date d'opération et que le champ est vide, alors on
récupère la date du jour comme date d'opération */
if ( origine == TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE &&
strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ), gsb_today() );
/* si c'est la date de valeur et que le champ est vide, alors on
récupère la date d'opération comme date de valeur */
strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
/* si la date d'opération est vide elle aussi, alors on récupère
la date du jour comme date de valeur */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ) ) == 0 ||
g_strcasecmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ), _("Date") ) == 0 )
if ( strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ) ) == 0 ||
g_strcasecmp ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ), _("Date") ) == 0 )
gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_VALUE_DATE] ), gsb_today() );
gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_VALUE_DATE] ), g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ) );
gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_VALUE_DATE] ), my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ) );
if ( ( ev -> state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) != GDK_SHIFT_MASK ||
/* si c'est la date d'opération et que le champ est vide, alors on
récupère la date du jour comme date d'opération */
if ( origine == TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE &&
strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ), gsb_today() );
/* si c'est la date de valeur et que le champ est vide, alors on
récupère la date d'opération comme date de valeur */
strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
strlen ( my_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[origine] ) ) ) ) == 0 )
/* si la date d'opération est vide elle aussi, alors on récupère
la date du jour comme date de valeur */
if ( strlen ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ) ) == 0 ||
g_strcasecmp ( g_strstrip ( (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( widget_formulaire_operations[TRANSACTION_FORM_DATE] ) ) ), _("Date") ) == 0 )
... Ce différentiel a été tronqué car il excède la taille maximale pouvant être affichée.